• T-S-N-004+

    Soft normal aortic arch model with interchangeable  coronaries

    This model corresponds to the normal aortic arch model (Ref T-S-N-001+) with the addition of the left and right interchangeable coronary arteries.

    The right coronary artery includes the marginal and posterior interventricular arteries. The left coronary artery includes the left anterior interventricular and the circumflex arteries. The particularity of this model is to possess removable coronaries. Should you have deployed a stent, you can take your device easily out or also replace the coronaries by new ones.

    Should you need customized coronaries made to a specifically designed pathology corresponding to your trial or training needs, this request will be developed and finalized with Elastrat’s team.

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Elastrat Sàrl is a worldwide leader in the development, realization and distribution of human anatomical vascular phantoms.

Our Swiss made transparent soft or rigid silicon phantoms reproduce the anatomical vasculature with its pathologies like aneurysms or stenoses and can be trained through navigation with stents, catheters and coils. They provide a realistic environment for the simulation of endovascular procedures, pre-surgery training, studies and teaching purposes for interventionists, such as interventional cardiologists (neuroradiologists, etc.), interventional radiology-cardiologists, and interventional angiologists. 

The models promote safety through education and professional competence.



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Phone: +41 (0)22 570 20 20 (new)