About us

Elastrat Sàrl is a worldwide leader in the development, realization and distribution of human anatomical vascular phantoms.

Based in Geneva Switzerland, our factory entity manufactures human vascular training silicon flow models with or without various pathologies such as aneurysms, stenoses, loops, etc. 

Our range of models are described as follows: Head and Neck / Thorax (including models with or without coronary, with various aortic specific criteria, allowing aortic three cuspid valve or cardiac valve trainings) / Abdominal and peripheral models (femoral, tibial, iliac models for our leg models and radial access for arm models.

Our simulator silicon transparent models begin with the circle of Willis, through carotid artery to the aortic arch / heart, the iliac arteries and finish with the peripherals. The models are delivered for use in a closed water circuit and mimic a blood circulation.

We manufacture Head, Thoracic, Heart, Abdominal and Peripheral models, separately or as a full body. We provide both artery models as well as venous models. Our models can reflect healthy patients or patients with various kinds of vascular pathologies, such as vascular malformations, eg arteriovenous malformation, aneurysms (cerebral aneurysms, aortic aneurysms, etc.), stenoses, loops, bends, etc. 

All our soft or rigid silicon vascular phantom models work with a small pump (or a pulsatile pump) in a closed water circuit and are appropriate for education, Hands-On trainings, R&D purposes to enhance new intervention technologies, product development and procedure improvements. As they are transparent to light, they are suitable for use with video and photographic monitoring. Elastrat’s vascular phantoms offer quality hands-on training experience.

Our interventional non-invasive R&D vascular training models can be supplied from our catalogue or manufactured as customized models, tailored to our client’s specific needs. We often supply custom-made phantom models of patient’s specific pathologies with STL files received from our clients. All our models train in a most realistic medical environment. 

Elastrat’s in-vitro human models are compatible with all imaging technologies such as angiographies with contrast liquid, CI, MRI and, trans-cranial Doppler techniques, provided the appropriate circulating fluid is used. 

Elastrat maintains a close working relationship with renowned medical Centers, such as the GRAC (Groupe de Recherches en Anatomie Clinique) University of Geneva and HUG, Geneva Hospitals.

Elastrat Sàrl is involved with many other medical institutions across the globe in the realization of research prototypes, diagnostic as well as interventional ones. One of its international partners is the Department of Interventional Neuroradiology of the John Hopkins Hospital, USA.

Such lively international collaboration with clinicians and researchers from a wide range of scientific disciplines has enabled us to create a wide variety of products and to respond readily to specific requests, producing vascular phantom models adapted to our individual client’s needs in the fields of medical research and training. Our clients organizing medical training courses or workshops with anatomical models enjoy all the benefits of our vascular soft or rigid silicon phantom models as an effective vascular simulator.

Our Swiss made models are also suited to improve patient’s pathologies and practice prior to perform interventions on patients. The experience gained by the trainee using our interventional model provides trainees with a life like feel and the confidence whilst going through the various procedures such as angiographies, carotid or renal stenting, clots retrievals, coiling and embolization, etc.

Our Swiss made models are used as a training support for education purposes with all the imaging technologies such as X-rays, CT scan, MRI, and Doppler techniques.

Elastrat vascular phantoms respect the complexity of the human vascular anatomy and provide a realistic environment for the development and evaluation of new endovascular devices and vascular imaging techniques, for hemodynamic investigations and for training in endovascular procedures and are also designed for the development and demonstration of stents, coïls and catheters. 

Our Swiss hand made models are accurate silicon human anatomical replicas and provide a cost-effective alternative to training on animals. They are anatomical and will give you a realistic view to train with confidence.









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Elastrat Sàrl is a worldwide leader in the development, realization and distribution of human anatomical vascular phantoms.

Our Swiss made transparent soft or rigid silicon phantoms reproduce the anatomical vasculature with its pathologies like aneurysms or stenoses and can be trained through navigation with stents, catheters and coils. They provide a realistic environment for the simulation of endovascular procedures, pre-surgery training, studies and teaching purposes for interventionists, such as interventional cardiologists (neuroradiologists, etc.), interventional radiology-cardiologists, and interventional angiologists. 

The models promote safety through education and professional competence.



43, avenue de Châtelaine CH-1203 Geneva Switzerland
Phone: +41 (0)22 570 20 20 (new)